The Annual Great Backyard Bird Count

Photos by RLHall ArtfulExpress

This weekend, Feb. 18-21, 2011, is The Annual Great Backyard Bird Count and you can join in!

It's easy and fun! Just count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count. Count longer if you want to!

It's a great family activity and can become an annual tradition in your household. All you need is a Bird Identification Book, paper and pencil to keep a record of the different kinds of birds you see, and how many of that species you identify. A pair of binoculars might make it easier and more interesting. Plus access to the internet is necessary to enable you to report your results online. 

You can watch your feeder from a window at home, take a walk in your neighborhood or a local park. Or better yet, plan a hike in the country. It makes a great project for home schooled children and Scout Troops. You could really make a weekend of it and do them all... then simply go to the site listed below and report your findings.

Be sure to read the entries in the bird book about each bird you identify and it can be a real learning experience. More interesting information is available at The Great Backyard Bird Count site, as well as helpful tips and suggestions for your bird count weekend. Have fun by helping scientists and conservationists study and protect nature and it's many feathered inhabitants!


  1. Incredible photo of the female cardinal! They are one of the bird species that helps me make it through the long winters. It is hard not to be in awe of such a beautiful bird.

  2. Thanks so much, Darren - They are beautiful especially in the winter, against the snow :-)
